
  • Attracting and retaining international students in the EU

  • Impact of Visa Liberalisation on Countries of Destination

  • Labour Market Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU Member States.

  • Approaches to Unaccompanied Minors Following Status. Determination in the EU plus Norway

  • Changing Influx of Asylum Seekers 2014-2016

  • The Effectiveness of Return in EU Member States 2017

  • Challenges and practices for establishing the identity of third country nationals in migration procedures

  • Illegal employment of third-country nationals in the EU

  • Family Reunification of Third-Country Nationals in the EU plus Norway: National Practices

  • Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission Programmes in Europe — what works?

  • The Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers: Challenges and Good Practices

  • Integration of beneficiaries of international/humanitarian protection into the labour market: policies and good practices