Family migration
- Evidence on the impact that policy changes on the right to refugee family reunion may have on asylum intake and the number of family reunion applications received (2018)
- Misuse of family reunification rights by Third Country nationals granted under Directive 2004/38/EC (2018)
- 20181310-misuse-of-family-reunification-rights-by-third-country-nationals-granted-under-directive-200438ec.pdf
- Impact of 2017 Chavez-Vilchez ruling (2018)
- Support measures to facilitate the labour market entry of family members (2018)
- Family Reunification of Beneficiaries of International Protection (2019)
- Status granted to family members of recognized refugees or beneficiaries of subsidiary protection (2019)
- Red Cross Restoring Family Links program in detention centers and border crossing points (2019)
- Family members of long-term residents and the right to family reunification (2019)
- Kafala children (2019)
- Forced marriage (2019)