Visa liberalisation – we trust, but verify
One way to extend the European sphere of influence is to step up our contacts and cooperation with our neighbors. Visa exemptions for Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries fulfill this purpose. Visiting, communication, cultural exchange, movement of workers and business connections have all become easier. This is all good, but does the increased interaction […]
Visa liberalisation: Strengthening ties between the EU and nationals of third countries
The European Migration Network (EMN) publishes study on the impact of visa liberalisation on EU Member States and Norway Brussels, 22 March 2019. As of 2018, five Western Balkan countries and three Eastern Partnership countries benefit from visa liberalisation to the EU Schengen area. These countries are deemed safe and well-governed, and have been required […]
Conference on Effective Alternatives to the Detention of Migrants
International Conference organised jointly by the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the European Migration Network Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 4 April 2019 The Conference sought to identify ways to make alternatives to the administrative detention of migrants more effective, ensuring compliance with immigration procedures while upholding human rights. The emphasis was on […]
Nordic-Baltic migration conference „Education as a Driver for Integration“
Nordic-Baltic migration conference „Education as a Driver for Integration“ will be held at KUMU Art Museum in Tallinn on 29 March 2019. The conference is organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, the University of Tartu, the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia and the Estonian Contact Point for the European Migration […]
The European Agenda on Migration: EU needs to sustain progress made over the past 4 years.
Faced with the most severe refugee crisis the world has seen since the Second World War, the EU managed to bring about a step change in migration management and border protection. The EU has offered protection and support to millions, saved lives, dismantled smuggling networks and brought irregular arrivals to Europe down to the lowest […]
Conference ’Return and reintegration of third country nationals: How to make it sustainable ?
European Migration Network’s (EMN) Conference ’Return and reintegration of third country nationals: How to make it sustainable?’ explores the current state of play regarding returning third country nationals (TCNs) from the European Union as well reintegrating them to their countries of origin. The conference encourages an exchange of ideas between third countries, EU level authorities, […]
How did Member States react to the fluctuations of the influx of asylum seekers in 2014-2016?
In 2014-2016, EU Member States and Norway experienced an unprecedented influx of incoming applicants for international protection: the number of applications for international protection lodged rose from 443 015 in 2013 to peak at 1 320 000 million in 2015 and 1 260 000 million in 2016, though the scale and timing of the peaks […]
EMN Study on Approaches to Unaccompanied Minors Following Status Determination in the EU plus Norway
The EMN study on ‘Approaches to Unaccompanied Minors Following Status Determination in the EU plus Norway’ explores the situation of almost 200 000 unaccompanied minors (UAMs) who have been granted a residence permit or issued a return decision, and the approaches established by the Member States and Norway to their integration or return. The study […]
Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2017
The EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum provides an overview of the most significant EU and national policies as well as legislative developments in the fields of migration and international protection that were developed in 2017. The report is based on the contributions from 25 Member States, covering eight key areas, namely: legal migration […]
EMN 10 Year Anniversary Report
The Anniversary Report takes stock of and presents key trends in asylum and migration flows and policy development over the last 10 years. The Report opens by highlighting how immigration has become an issue of increasing importance to publics across the EU over time, and how sentiments towards immigration from outside the EU have changed […]
EMN 10 Year Anniversary conference: key conclusions and summary of the event
To mark the occasion of its 10 year anniversary, the European Migration Network hosted its conference ‘Understanding Migration in the EU: past, present, future’ in Brussels on 15th May 2018, bringing together almost 200 policy makers, researchers and practitioners from EU and national governments, academic institutions, international organisations and from civil society. The key conlusions […]
EMN publishes the report on the challenges and practices for establishing the identity of third-country nationals in migration procedures
This EMN study Challenges and practices for establishing the identity of third-country nationals in migration procedures is based on contribution from EMN National Contact Points in 26 Member States and Norway, collected via a common template to ensure comparability. The importance of identity management in migration procedures has increased significantly in recent years in light of the […]