Croatian EMN Presidency e-Conference on Migration!
On 24th of June the Croatian EMN Presidency e-Conference on the topic of “Challenges of Irregular Migration on the Eastern Mediterranean- Western Balkans Route in the time of COVID-19” will take place. The conference will focus on three main issues: situation on the Eastern Mediterranean-Western Balkans migration route, combating migrant smuggling networks, and protection and promotion of […]
EMN Estonia relocated to the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
Year 2020 has started with some important changes to EMN Estonia. We are now located in the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences in the subdivision of Internal Security Institute. Moreover, a new employee Madli Kaljula, whose education and previous work experience support the activities of EMN Estonia has joined our team. Despite the changes EMN […]
EMN mapped the practices used in return and reintegration counselling
In addition to the inform on policies and practices regarding return counselling, which was published last year two new informs have been published on return counselling. First of them touches on the aspects of training and support of return counsellors and the second one policies and practices on outreach and information provision in the return […]
Current situation of statelessness in Member States and Norway
Renewed inform on statelessness, which gives an overview of the policies and practices in Member States and Norway regarding statelessness has been published. In addition to the general overview of the situation a deeper insight is also given on the situation of stateless children.
Beneficiaries of international protection travelling to their country of origin: overview of European approaches
A new study published by the European Migration Network (EMN) offers a comparative overview of the experiences and existing practices in the EU Member States* Norway and Switzerland regarding the possible consequences on international protection status for individuals who travel to or contact the authorities in their country of origin. A beneficiary of international […]
National EMN contact point to be relocated to Academy of Security Sciences
According to a directive of Minister of the Interior Mart Helme (EKRE), Estonia’s national contact point for the European Migration Network (EMN), which is within the area of administration of the Ministry of the Interior, is to start work at the Institute of Internal Security of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences on Jan. 1, […]
New Trends in Labour Market Integration
Improving the labour market integration of migrants has become a priority all over Europe. Nearly every country has implemented new labour market integration measures in the recent years, either to increase the participation of foreign residents and ethnic minorities in the labour market (see the figure below about the unemployment rates among third-country nationals and […]
Study highlights European efforts to attract and retain non-EU/EEA students
Attracting students from third countries and facilitating their entry into the national labour market is a priority to the EU. The European Migration Network (EMN) has now published a study on 25* EU countries’ efforts to provide opportunities for international students. Brussels, 4 September 2019 The number of international students coming to the EU to […]
Conference Global Workplace is Here!
EMN Estonia annual conference will be held on 3rd October 2019, in Tallinn and is organised by EMN Estonia, Mainor Ülemiste and Work in Estonia. This conference explores the ways in which companies can better adjust to global workplaces and thrive. The world of work has been changing rapidly, including the degree of internationalization […]
Labour migration to Estonia continues to grow
The main migration-related developments of 2018 in Estonia were related to labour migration and the increased involvement of foreign nationals in the labour market. Compared to many other countries in the European Union, Estonia has a rather restrictive immigration policy. However, in the last year, increasing labour demand forced both the public as well as […]
Migration policy situation during the change of leadership in the European Union
One of the most complex issues facing the incoming European Parliament and Commission is immigration. This was once again confirmed by the European-wide tensions that emerged in response to the UN compact for migration. The new leaders might find some relief in the fact that the number of applicants for international protection as well as […]
What happens with the beneficiaries of international protection who travel back to their countries of origin?
A refugee is a third-country national who, on account of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political conviction or belonging to a particular social group, is outside the country of his/her origin and is not able to – or, on account of this well-founded fear of persecution, does not […]