EMN inform: Organising flexible housing in the context of international protection
The inflow of applicants for international protection can be subject to rapid, substantial changes. Together with other factors, this can lead to pressures on the reception systems of EMN Member and Observer Countries, including their capacity to provide housing. To manage changes in demand for housing, countries need to be able to both quickly upscale […]
EMN study: Integration of applicants for international protection to the labour market (Estonian national report)
The study focuses on the integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market and addresses third country nationals that have applied for international protection in Estonia and would benefit from the access to the labour market between the period of 2017 to 2022 (June). EMN synthesis report with contributions from other EU Member […]
EMN Luxembourg and EMN Estonia co-organized a technical meeting on “Ensuring the right to nationality for every child”
EMN Luxembourg and EMN Estonia organized a technical meeting on 7th December 2022 on “Ensuring the right to nationality for every child”. The hybrid event was held within the scope of the EMN Platform of Statelessness, which was established in 2016 on the basis of the Justice and Home Affairs Council conclusions of 3 and […]
New EMN inform published: Arrangements for accommodation and housing for beneficiaries of temporary protection
This inform is based on contributions provided by 24 Member States with information updated as of 1st September 2022 and is complementary to the Safe Home initiative announced in March 2022 by the European Commission to support Europeans voluntarily hosting those fleeing the war, notably by mobilising dedicated EU funds and instruments for initial housing […]
New EMN inform published: Access to services for beneficiaries of temporary protection
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), as of 15 November 2022, over 7.8 million people (mainly women and children) had left Ukraine in search of safety, arriving primarily in neighbouring European Union (EU) and third countries. The large number of people fleeing Ukraine necessitated the provision of specific policies and measures […]
New EMN inform published: transition of unaccompanied minors to adulthood
What measures, structures and systems are in place in the EU Member States and Norway to provide transitional support to unaccompanied minors after reaching the age of majority?
New inform: Secondary movements of beneficiaries of international protection
How do Member States regulate the mobility and residence of persons already granted international protection status in another Member State? What are the appliable rules for transfer of responsibility of a beneficiary of international protection?
New EMN study published: integration of migrant women
To what extent do Member States consider the distinct situation of migrant women in their integration policies and measures?
New podcast series “Work in Estonia Talk”
Work in Estonia has started with a new podcast Work in Estonia Talk which gives an an insight to expats working in Estonia.
New EMN inform seeking to understand incentives and motives for voluntary departure
What incentives and motives exist that impact a third-country national’s decision to depart voluntarily? This EMN inform focuses on the issue of voluntary departures from EU Member States and Norway, in compliance with – or in anticipation of – a return decision.
New EMN inform published: Mapping of mental health policies for third-country national migrants
What are the challenges migrants face in accessing mental health services, and how are Member States addressing them? The new EMN inform maps the policies in place to help legally-residing migrants access mental health services.
New EMN inform published: Application of the Temporary Protection Directive for displaced persons
According to UNHCR, over 5.4 million Ukrainians have left Ukraine in search of safety, primarily arriving in neighbouring EU and third countries (including Moldova).