
  • Commission proposes to extend temporary protection for people fleeing Russian aggression against Ukraine until March 2026

    Today, the Commission has proposed to extend the temporary protection for people fleeing Russia’s aggression against Ukraine for another year, from 5 March 2025 to 4 March 2026. Given continued Russian attacks on the civil and critical infrastructure across Ukraine, safe and durable conditions for the return of people to Ukraine are not currently in […]

  • New EMN inform explores labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine

    The massive inflow of people fleeing Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine triggered significant migration to the EU. Eurostat data indicates that by November 2023, over 4.27 million non-EU citizens who fled Ukraine due to the 2022 Russian invasion were under temporary protection in the EU – with Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic hosting […]

  • EMN Inform: Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection

    The inform highlights the overall process of family reunification, documentary evidence needed, and family reunification with or for children coming of age. It also addresses the different practices between minor and the specific case of dependent adult children. Distinctions arise when considering the overall submission, processing and examination of applications for family reunification across EMN […]

  • EMN inform: Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals

    The latest inform from the European Migration Network (EMN) on the “Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals” provides an in-depth analysis on the challenges and advantages in adopting digital-only immigration procedures within 23 EMN Member States and two Observer Countries, namely Georgia and Ukraine. The inform sheds light on the […]

  • EMN inform on Access to autonomous housing in the context of international protection

    This EMN inform maps the challenges faced by applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in accessing autonomous housing and provides a comprehensive overview of how EMN Member Countries and Serbia organize such support for these two groups. It includes an overview of national and regional/local policies and measures supporting the transition and access to autonomous […]

  • EMN selected study topics for 2024

    Every year, EMN Member States can propose and vote for study topics. The number of outputs to be selected is 13: up to 3 studies and up to 10 informs. Topics that were selected for 2024 are the following: Studies: The international dimension of the EU policy to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings […]

  • Study: Integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market

    This study offers a thorough and current examination of the of legislation, policies and practices related to the integration of international protection applicants into the job market in EMN Member Countries. It offers an overview into the various stakeholders responsible for implementing labour market accessibility and highlights both the challenges encountered and examples of good […]

  • New: Overview of Estonian migration statistics 2018-2022

      Overview of migration statistics 2018-2022 provides answers to the following questions: ● What characterizes the emigration and return of Estonian citizens? ● Which foreign country has the most Estonian citizens living there? ● To whom, for what purpose, and how many visas were issued? ● How many registrations of short-term employment were there and […]

  • EMN Country Factsheets 2022 are out now!

    The EMN country factsheets provide a succinct summary of the main developments in each EMN Member State and EMN observers in a given year. EMN country factsheets also provide an overview of most recent migration and international protection-related statistics. You can find all country factsheets on European Commission´s webpage here.

  • Annual Report on Migration and Asylum Policy 2022

    The European Migration Network (EMN) Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 provides a comprehensive overview of EU and national developments across a wide range of migration and asylum topics, including the response to the influx of persons fleeing the war in Ukraine, legal migration, international protection, minors and vulnerable groups, integration, citizenship and statelessness, […]

  • EMN inform provides an overview of Resettlement, Humanitarian Admission and Sponsorship Schemes

    The inform provides up-to-date and comparative data on resettlement, humanitarian admission and sponsorship schemes. It presents recent developments in EMN Member Countries between 2016 to 2022 and offers a valuable resource for countries launching new programmes to learn from established programmes in other countries. Moreover, it aims to complement and enhance other knowledge-sharing initiatives in […]

  • EMN Inform: Prospects for displaced persons in non-EU first reception and transit countries

    This inform provides an overview of the strategies and initiatives put in place by the EMN Member Countries to enhance the prospects of displaced populations in non-EU first reception and transit countries. It also identifies good practices that could serve as a starting point to develop or improve sustainable support initiatives. Enhancing the prospects of […]