About us
The European Migration Network (EMN) is an EU network of migration and asylum experts who work together to provide objective, comparable policy-relevant information and knowledge on emerging issues relating to asylum and migration in Europe. The main outlets of the EMN are:
- annual reports on the Member States’ migration and asylum policies;
- studies on asylum and migration issues;
- quick information exchange (ad-hoc queries).
The EMN is composed of National Contact Points (NCPs) in the EMN Member (EU Member States except Denmark) and Observer Countries (NO, GE, MD, UA, ME, AM, RS), the European Commission and the EMN Service Provider (ICF). EMN NCPs are located within Ministries of Interior, Ministries of Justice, specialised government agencies dealing with migration, research Institutes, non-governmental organisations and national offices of international organisations.
EMN National Contact Point for Estonia (EMN Estonia) is located in the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. EMN Estonia is funded by the European Union and the Estonian Ministry of the Interior.
Barbara Orloff
Eike Luik
Annika Murov (on maternity leave)
Marian Juurik