Commission proposes to extend temporary protection for people fleeing Russian aggression against Ukraine until March 2026


Today, the Commission has proposed to extend the temporary protection for people fleeing Russia’s aggression against Ukraine for another year, from 5 March 2025 to 4 March 2026.

Given continued Russian attacks on the civil and critical infrastructure across Ukraine, safe and durable conditions for the return of people to Ukraine are not currently in place. The Commission therefore considers that the reasons for temporary protection persist, and that it should be prolonged for another year as a necessary and appropriate response to the current situation.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that all those fleeing Russia’s war of aggression can find protection in the EU, and that those almost 4.2 million people that are already benefiting from temporary protection in the EU Member States are provided with as much stability as possible under the current circumstances.

The Temporary Protection Directive grants immediate protection and access to rights in the EU, including residency rights, access to the labour market, accommodation, social welfare assistance, medical and other assistance. It also helps Member States to manage arrivals in an orderly and effective way.

More can be found here.