New Trends in Labour Market Integration
Improving the labour market integration of migrants has become a priority all over Europe. Nearly every country has implemented new labour market integration measures in the recent years, either to increase the participation of foreign residents and ethnic minorities in the labour market (see the figure below about the unemployment rates among third-country nationals and […]
Labour migration to Estonia continues to grow
The main migration-related developments of 2018 in Estonia were related to labour migration and the increased involvement of foreign nationals in the labour market. Compared to many other countries in the European Union, Estonia has a rather restrictive immigration policy. However, in the last year, increasing labour demand forced both the public as well as […]
Migration policy situation during the change of leadership in the European Union
One of the most complex issues facing the incoming European Parliament and Commission is immigration. This was once again confirmed by the European-wide tensions that emerged in response to the UN compact for migration. The new leaders might find some relief in the fact that the number of applicants for international protection as well as […]
What happens with the beneficiaries of international protection who travel back to their countries of origin?
A refugee is a third-country national who, on account of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political conviction or belonging to a particular social group, is outside the country of his/her origin and is not able to – or, on account of this well-founded fear of persecution, does not […]
Visa liberalisation – we trust, but verify
One way to extend the European sphere of influence is to step up our contacts and cooperation with our neighbors. Visa exemptions for Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries fulfill this purpose. Visiting, communication, cultural exchange, movement of workers and business connections have all become easier. This is all good, but does the increased interaction […]
Conference ’Return and reintegration of third country nationals: How to make it sustainable ?
European Migration Network’s (EMN) Conference ’Return and reintegration of third country nationals: How to make it sustainable?’ explores the current state of play regarding returning third country nationals (TCNs) from the European Union as well reintegrating them to their countries of origin. The conference encourages an exchange of ideas between third countries, EU level authorities, […]