
European Migration Network
Estonian Contact Point

  • Annual reports on the Member States’ migration and asylum policies
  • Studies on asylum and migration issues
  • Quick information exchange (ad-hoc queries)


  • New: Overview of Estonian migration statistics 2019-2023

    New overview of Migration Statistics 2019–2023 provides answers to the following questions: ● What is Estonia’s population, immigration, emigration and net migration? ● Which foreign country has the most Estonian citizens living there? ● How many visas were issued and to whom and for what purpose? ● How many registrations of short-term employment were made […]

    • EMN Estonia held a Workshop on Illegal Employment of Third-Country Nationals

    • Commission presents the Common Implementation Plan for the Pact on Migration and Asylum

    • Commission proposes to extend temporary protection for people fleeing Russian aggression against Ukraine until March 2026

Migration Statistics: 2019-2023

Overview of new Migration Statistics 2019-2023 provides answers to the following questions: ● What is Estonia’s population, immigration, emigration and net migration? ● Which foreign country has the most Estonian citizens living there? ● How many visas were issued and to whom and for what purpose? ● How many registrations of short-term employment were made and in what fields? ● Who came to live in Estonia and what were the reasons? ● Who were granted long-term residence permits and the right of permanent residence? ● Where did the foreigners settle? ● Who were granted international protection? How many people received temporary protection in Estonia? ● Who were expelled from Estonia? ● Who became Estonian citizens? ● Who became e-residents? ● How many foreigners participated in the Settle in Estonia programme? ● How has migration to Estonia changed since joining the European Union?

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EMN Study: Illegal employment of third-country nationals: 2017-2022 Situation analysis. Estonia

Study provides an overview of national and legal policy framework changes in illegal employment, prevention measures introduced to tackle illegal employment, identification of illegal employment measures implemented and outcomes for third-country national (lodging complaints, remuneration).

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Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine

The latest inform focuses on the labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine across EMN Member and Observer countries. This inform offers an analysis of employment trends, policy priorities, and measures aimed at facilitating the integration of displaced individuals from Ukraine into host countries' labour markets.

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EMN Inform: Access to autonomous housing in the context of international protection

This EMN inform maps the challenges faced by applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in accessing autonomous housing and provides a comprehensive overview of how EMN Member Countries and Serbia organise such support for these two groups. It includes an overview of national and regional/local policies and measures supporting the transition and access to autonomous housing, as well as some examples of EU-funded initiatives and national good practices.

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EMN Inform: Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals

This EMN inform examines the state of play in 25 EMN Member and Observer Countries (Georgia and Ukraine) of the digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals.

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  • EU

    36th EMN REG Meeting

  • Eesti

    Conference of EMN Estonia: Activating the TPD – Retrospect and Ways Forward

  • Estonia

    Technical meeting “Ensuring the right to nationality for every child”

Latest publications

  • Illegal employment of third-country nationals: 2017-2022 Situation analysis. Estonia

  • Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine

  • Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection

  • Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals

Migration types

  • Labour and entrepreneurial migration

  • Education migration

  • Family migration

  • Integration

  • International protection

  • Return and readmission

  • Illegal migration

  • Other migration